Site Credits
Dozens of dedicated individuals and groups contributed to the development of The contents were written by Scott Plous, the layout was co-designed by Mike Lestik and Scott Plous, and the Tobacco IQ Test, Smoke-o-Scope, and E-Card features of the site were programmed by Harry Hardjono.
The Joe Chemo illustrations were generously provided by Adbusters, cartoons were contributed by Kamil Yavuz, and additional assistance came from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Council on Science and Health, Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California, California Department of Public Health, Childbirth Graphics, Middlesex Hospital, Allison Plous, Monika Weisak, Vasilios Hoffman, Jordyn Bonds, Anne Landman, John Wareham, Robert White, Joel Bartlett, and Aurora Quaye.
Funding was developed in part with funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 9950517. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations are those of the site's author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Awards and Recognition
Since its debut in April of 2001, has received several distinctions, including the following: