Want to help Joe Chemo get the word out about smoking? Here are just a few ways to get involved:
- If you're a school teacher, give your students a life-saving class assignment
- If you're a health educator, order some Joe Chemo materials from Adbusters (604-736-9401), or better still, have Joe Chemo come to your school or event (a full-body costume is available for this)
- If you're a business owner, improve profits and employee morale by creating a smokefree workplace
- If you're a journalist, write a story about Joe Chemo and invite readers to test their Tobacco IQ
- If you're a health care provider, offer help for patients who want to quit smoking
- If you're an antismoking activist, contact Adbusters to sponsor a Joe Chemo billboard or event
- If you're a concerned individual:
- Send Joe Chemo E-Cards to your friends, family members, and coworkers
- Start conversations by using an image below as a background for your desktop, laptop, or mobile screen:
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